Sabtu, 15 Juli 2017

6 Craziest Things Found in Used Cars

6 Craziest Things Found in Used Cars
Of all the ups and downs that go with the used car market, one of the craziest things buyers and dealers have to put up with is the things people leave behind. Whether youre buying a used car at a market, a local dealership, or through the want ads, chances are you might...
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Tips To Get Your Car To Use Less Gas

Tips To Get Your Car To Use Less Gas
Gas prices seem to be raising everyday, and the option of cycling fifty miles to work everyday is appearing more and more appealing. Most people have been forced to wave a sad goodbye to family road trips and all other fun car-related activities, because they just cannot...
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Jumat, 14 Juli 2017

A Beginners Guide to Jump Starting a Car

A Beginners Guide to Jump Starting a Car
For many people, especially women, the thought of jump starting a car is unnerving. In most cases, the fear of getting a vehicle started using jumper cables has to do with being shocked but it is also because of lack of knowledge. Although there is a right and wrong...
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Car Accidents On Private Property: The Facts

Car Accidents On Private Property: The Facts
Car accidents are not something anyone wants to go through. As well as the possibility of injury, there’s also the issue of who is liable for the accident to negotiate too – with all of the attendant insurance complications it can through up. One such situation that can...
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Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

What Defensive Steps can be Taken to Mitigate the Risk of an Accident?

What Defensive Steps can be Taken to Mitigate the Risk of an Accident?
It is almost a given that everyone will be involved in some sort of car accident if they’ve been driving for any period of time. These incidents can be as minor as a fender bender or as major as a twenty car pileup, but hopefully most people only experience the former....
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The World of Company Cars

The World of Company Cars
Times are not as easy as they once were.  The current economic climate has caused many individuals and companies to cut their cloth accordingly and costs with it.  One of the first things that companies have cut – also doing so under the green pretext that...
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Rabu, 12 Juli 2017

Parking Doesnt Have to Be a Hassle

Parking Doesnt Have to Be a Hassle
Parking is one of those things that stresses out just about everyone. It always seems like just when you are running late and in what feels like the biggest hurry of your life, you are unable to find parking. Without parking, you are stuck in your car driving around...
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